Fire Extinguishers in Kenya
Fire Extinguishers, Fire Risk Assessment

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Seetec Solutions can guarantee to meet your fire extinguisher needs. Ensuring your premise has the right type of fire extinguisher shouldn’t be left to chance. Seetec Solutions provides expert advice on selecting the correct fire extinguishers for your business premises.
Types of fire extinguishers
• Water – used on fires that occurs in areas where there are solids eg. Wood, paper, furnishings and plastic.
• Foam – With a foam extinguisher you can safely tackle a fire involving solid materials eg. Wood, paper, furnishings and plastics, and you can also use them to extinguish flammable liquids (petrol, oil, paraffin) that are ablaze.
• Dry powder –fire involving flammable liquids, the dry powder extinguisher is the most effective at tackling it. It’s also suitable for use on fires involving solids and gas
• CO2 – CO2 extinguisher is the one you’d use if faced with a fire involving an electrical apparatus such as photocopiers and fax machine
To ensure that you have the correct number and type of fire extinguishers in your building, please contact us.